Tag Archives: Breaking Dawn

Awww Jacob and Bella!

13 Mar

Well I guess if trampire can’t have Breaking Dawn she will settle for New Moon. Since Rob Edward left Ho white, Bella it seems that Taylor Jacob  is ok snuggling up in her tent. They went to batting practice as you can see if you click on the link below. I think they are practicing for that baseball game that is coming up when the vampires decide to piss on their territory. Oh sorry that is in some movie or something 😉 If we go by the crazies logic in the past, Taylor and Kristen are so doing it! See how that works? Yea, crazy huh.

No Kristen, Taylor won’t call Rob and tell him you love him, you really love him.  Find that dignity you left in the mini cooper and let.him.go, contract or not!


Heel Rob!

18 Nov

That’s right follow your cheating master. You tried to put on a good show for the premiers, acting all tough in the relay like you are the one currently wearing the pants in the relay, even throwing some shade. No one bought that, not even your few fans that you have hanging on.

Not claiming her in public is not cute anymore and everyone has their own theory.

1) You are selling your relay for the money

2) It is all PR

3) You are just dumb as rocks with no self-respect

Personally I am going with 3 because no one would do what you are doing even for millions of dollars. No man with a set of balls would have seen those pictures and know the world has too and happily jumped back in.

But it seems with BO numbers not exploding next year it will be Rob and Kristen who?

The fifth and final Twilight movie opened to an outstanding $141.3 million this weekend, though that wasn’t quite enough to set a new record for the popular franchise.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2‘s estimated $141.3 million ranks eighth all-time and fourth in 2012 behind The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises and The Hunger Games. Among Twilight movies, it wound up slightly ahead of predecessor Breaking Dawn Part 1 ($138.1 million), but a tad below New Moon‘s franchise-best $142.8 million. This makes Twilight the first franchise ever to have three movies earn over $130 million in their first three days.

Yes Rob, The Hunger Games is better than the TW series!


Source http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=3570&p=.htm

disclaimer- we do not own the photos

Trampire gets some Boo’s in theaters!

16 Nov

Is anyone truly surprised that this happened?

7:06 p.m. As Kristen Stewart’s name is displayed across the screen, one fan took this opportunity to unleash a very loud, “boo.”

This is from the Huff Post and I am seeing posters and tweeters saying that it happened in their theater. One said that when the credits rolled and Ho Whites name appeared she got a loud “SLUT”

She ruined the last film for many fans. No matter how hard she tried to prove that all was ok in Robstenland, you could see it all over Rob and her faces. It is not ok and the last film is tainted by the scandal that rocked this summer. Promo was quite boring and looked too forced to the point Rob said that going to London and Madrid was annoying to him. IS he kidding me?

And the talk show appearances were all meh. Even Conan had to ask if Kscrew was high. I wouldn’t doubt she was on several happy pills to get through this entire farce.

Well I can not speak for everyone but I am thrilled we never ever have to see them on the RC for these movies again! Kudos to Taylor Lautner for always acting the professional he is.

Has the casting couch gone cold for Trampire?

13 Nov

This is what Kristen had to say to E! on the black carpet last night:

“I’m kinda desperate to get a job right now,” she told E! News on the black carpet tonight. “I’m itching to go back to work.”

For now, it’s all about Breaking Dawn: Part 2. “I feel really good,” she said. “I’m trying to take in every single one of these moments. I don’t want to miss one.”

Wait little Miss Sunshine is not signed on for anything soon? *gasp* Funny how before the scandal she had “things” lined up but since then her calendar is wide OPEN. I think that is what they call KARMA.

So we suggest Miss momentary indiscretion enjoy the next week and “every single moment” because I have a good feeling that we may not see her for a long, long time *wink* *wink*

And WTF were they wearing last night and who thought that was a good idea? It was all kinds of NO! If you are trying to make people forget the big fat scarlet letter across your chest, you might want to wear something that doesn’t show your underwear! As for Sparkles and that shiny green suit, that was just laughable.

PS: Was it me or was it a little bit cold between the epic lovers on the black carpet? Funny sheep would tell their fanfic and then BAM a “reliable” source would say the exact opposite with pictures to back it up. I don’t know about you but I won’t miss the little buggers!


Guess what KScrew no one cares if you are banging Edward!

7 Nov

*Facepalm* little Miss personality dry humps her director in broad daylight then issues a very PUBLIC apology to PEOPLE magazine, however this is her response when asked the forbidden “question” on The Today Show:

“Funny you mention that,” Kristen responded shyly
with her head down and her hair covering her face. “I’m just going to let people watch whatever little
movie they would like to think our lives are, and
keep them guessing I always say,”

Bitch please no one cares and obviously you saw that since only 1o (if that many) of your so-called krisbians went to see your sorry ass on the today show. You know what movie I think your love life follows? Indecent Proposal!!!

Is it 2013 yet when we no longer have to see trampire with her unwashed hair, dirty sneakers and bitchface.


Shocking New Claims of a Romance!

3 Feb

I can’t even….. 🙄



Disclaimer – We don’t own the pictures.

Will Bel Ami EVER find a release date?

29 Aug

More reports of a release date for Bel Ami. Will this film be released in theaters or go straight to video? With such a great esemble cast, one has to wonder why it has taken so long to find distribution. Can Rob get his sexy back?