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To Forgive or Not To Forgive – What In The Hell Is She Saying?

21 Sep

At this point in the game, we all know we are going to get conflicting reports and sightings, and general BS, but Examnier reporter, Rita Watson seems so confused she can’t even keep her story straight enough to make it through one article long enough not to contradict herself. Is this funny or tragic? She begins by stating:
“What if they really do love each other? What if Pattinson really was hurt by Stewart’s involvement with Sanders? And what if Stewart was hurt and felt betrayed that Pattinson didn’t stand by her side when she may have been seduced into hot kisses by Rupert Sanders? If this is the case, for the relationship to survive, forgiveness is imperative.”

Ok – I would somewhat agree that forgiveness is imperative. However, in summation, this genuis reporter states:

“As I pointed out earlier in “Why Robert Pattinson will forgive, forget, and marry Kristen Stewart,” if they love each other, all will be forgiven. If all of the world is their stage, forgiveness may not matter.”

Umm? What?

PRsten Back On!

19 Sep

We can almost hear the arm pit licking from here as reports are now confirming that Bob has searched the depths of his empty heart pocket, and has completely forgiven Stewpid for sticking her vagina in her director’s face. My heart warms at the thought of all that arm pit action going down in the new and improved epic lurve nest as they bask in glorious reconciliation!
Whew! And to think – we came thisclose to the final installment premiere without real life couple Edward and Bella speaking to eachother. That.was.close! I’ll bet Scummit/LG executives will finally get a good nights sleep… after they cut Ruthless her hefty check.

Tick Tock PRsten

18 Sep

While rumors of a reunion persist, both sides of the epic lurve couple are staying characteristically silent. Can we at least get one ‘I can not confirm nor deny that allegation’? Nothing like dropping a bombshell to pit fans against each other for the 3,2995 time and sitting back to see which opinion is most popular. That is PRsten M.O. Always has been, always will be. Using a façade’ as old as Hollywood itself, both teams are trying to sell the story of epic love and unparalleled devotion and forgiveness to line the pockets of everyone involved in this farce. So, when you feel like slapping the guy who sells you your ticket at your local theater, I’m going to go out on a limb and say, you’re probably justified! I’m sure he too is getting a kickback.

As reported by Studio Briefing, this is a formula that has worked for the entertainment community since it’s introduction of ‘talkies’ onto the big screen. As they point out, we have seen many studio-manufactured romances to boost attendance and ticket sales. Back in the Golden Age of Hollywood, we now know many actors were supplied with the perfect spouse to drape on their arm for public events and photo ops. And to think, this was way before merchandising, branding, and all the ‘little’ extras that a blockbuster film brings with it in today’s market. Perhaps if they were selling Bette Davis v. Joan Crawford Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots, or Rock Hudson finger nail polish and perfume, the public would have had a chance to stand up and scream they’d been duped! If only today’s Hollywood carried the integrity of yesteryear. 🙄

The phrase ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ comes to mind when we look at the games being played before us today. And by today – I mean, Hollywood Agents, Managers, Producers, Directors, Director’s boyfriends, Lighting Technicians, Grip Supervisors, Sound Managers, and the guys from Craft Food Catering, would lie to their own mothers if it put an extra dollar or two in their pocket. To sell a non-existent relationship is not as easy as it used to be. With the advanced technology available to ‘f*ck them every day’, not only do our celebrities have to entertain us on the silver screen, but if they want us to believe in their ruse, they have to work for it. And, that means ‘acting’ that will transcend into their personal lives.

No confirmation, no denial. Just proof that where ever our two stars are hiding out – they aren’t together making up for sweet, precious, lost time. They are sitting back and waiting for someone they’ve each hired and pay very well, to clean up the mess created by a momentary indiscretion caught on film for the world to see and blow the love story of real life Edward and Bella out of the water.

Best of luck to both teams! You’re going to need it. Advanced ticket sales are only 2 weeks away!

PRsten Reunited!

15 Sep


Hot of the Daily Mail press! Bob is reported to have forgiven Screw for her ‘stupid mistake’. I guess all that praying she was doing – as reported by the Huffington Post, has paid off and the claims made made by Femalefirst 2 hours ago which said that he wanted a professional relay with her, are obsolete and he has jumped with both feet back into the flames of Epic lurve! Realizing he can’t live without her, Huff reports, they are moving into yet another secluded estate in the oh-so-private Los Angeles.

All this f*ckery is giving me a headache. One way or another, as most media outlets are reporting a reunion of some sort – it looks like it’s back to game on! 🙄

The 7 Stages of Grief – PR Edition

15 Sep

– Shock or Disbelief
– Denial
– Anger
– Bargaining
– Guilt
– Depression
– Acceptance and Hope

As we sit from the sidelines with our wine and popcorn, another cataclysmic shift has ocurred in the world of PR gone wrong. Someone open another bottle because this is getting better.
News outlets are now reporting that it isn’t Kristen Stewart who is at fault for her lack of ability to keep her legs together, that it is, in actual fact, Rob’s fault because he chooses not to forgive her indescretion. Questioning HIS loyalty, HIS integrity, HIS choice to walk away.
After much harrassment, many tears, and I’m sure several heated discussions, Bob has obviously dug his heels into the ground and sent them a big ol Kristen Stewart from the balcony in Australia double finger flip, and he ain’t coming back. Ruth and her team have worked tirelessly over the past week to spin every angle they could, in hopes they could bully Rob and his people to relent. I think we now have proof that isn’t going to happen – because now they are flipping the blame to him, calling him a disloyal in both the personal and professional sense because he won’t forgive the emo queen for being a whore and for betraying and humiliating him for the whole world to see.
Afterall, Hilary Clinton forgave Billy! So, what gives, Rob? Screw and her team are waiting for your public apology stating that you believe in her and you are sure there is a logical explaination for what transpired. The ball is now in Rob’s court. A ball that hangs from the mirror in Screw’s mini cooper, which sits in a McDonald’s parking lot somewhere in LA.
And, if her begging has fallen on deaf ears, we turn the table ever so slightly by reporting he would be the lucky one if she takes him back. 😯 (I still can not keep up with how epic lurve truly works). Focusing on talent…errmm….or lack thereof…examiner reporter fears that Screwart’s talent will eventually allow her to rise above and this will leave Bob alone and angry. Don’t think so! As WE can see for our sidelines, it isn’t Rob or his friends, or his management leaking stories to the media.
Still trying to sell her sexual infidelity as a momentary indescretion? I guess the public were too smart to buy into the video ‘proof’ of a non-scandal.
I have to root for Rob on this one. It looks like he really wants out and Ruthless isn’t letting him go that easy.

Summit Reaps The Rewards For Cheating Scandal?

11 Sep

According to Bonnie Fuller, Hollywood Life’s editor-in-cheif, Scummit executives are once again rolling around in their windfall of cash! As reported by Bonnie, they are now using Rob’s heartbreak and embarrassment as a ‘publicty bonanza’! Imagine that! Scummit Entertainment/Lionsgate using people and lying to their audience to line their pockets!! Who would have thought? 😯
Whew! Looks like Stewpid broke up a family just in time to fill the theatre seats for BD2! So, we are back to the ‘are they/aren’t they’ game already?

See video below!

Watch the video here:

K Stalker?

10 Sep

It looks like karma has a bitchface of her own!
We have to wonder how Bob feels about K’s sudden desire to ‘sell’ herself and her relationship with Bob- whatever that may have been.
Reports say that Bob has had enough and that he has changed his phone number a whopping FOUR times! There have been reports the pair have been talking on the phone, but it’s now been claimed they were untrue and Bob is increasingly angry that she keeps getting ahold of his number. His social circle will dwindle even farther as his lauched investigation into who keeps betraying him and giving her his number is threatened to be cut off completely.

Kristen Stewart Tears Another Family Apart!

5 Sep

By all accounts, Bob’s sisters, Lizzie and Victoria seemed to approve of the previous life and loves of their dazzling, sparkly, Supa star brother. Alas, the fate of one Kstewpid is not so fair. Personally, I would rather my brother bring home a one armed, leper, prostitute, with a lisp, and Ebola than have to wake each morning knowing he was trapped in the confines of Kshrew’s clutches. Well, lucky for those sisters, the Trollop has been banished from the Pattinson Kingdom with stern warning from the sisters, who ‘sources’ say are prepared to ‘kill him’ if he takes her back! A little dramatic? Perhaps. Perhaps not. ‘Sources’ say they are fuming over how their brother was publically humiliated by the dry humping and make-out session of one loooong ‘momentary discretion’. And even if Bob is inclined to forgive her, the family certainly is NOT.


Rob Committed?

1 Sep

We are on final countdown for the BD promo tour and still no final word from Bob that he will participate alongside the oh-so-loved Kstew? Hmm? I thought for sure Summit would have covered this in contracts? Or was their love 0h-so-epic they didn’t see the need?  😉

New York Daily News Reports:

Insiders working on the final film in the “Twilight” series, which is set to be  released in November, says Summit Entertainment is “freaking out” because they  are unable to get R-Patz to lock in personal appearance dates to promote the  flick in Madrid, Tokyo and London, despite pleading with him to do so. For the  first three “Twilight” films, Pattinson has traveled with co-starts Taylor Lautner and now-ex-girlfriend Stewart.
Taylor, Kristen and Rob always fly together,” says the insider, adding that  if R-Patz isn’t willing to bite the bullet and do the dates with Kristen — who  has repeatedly expressed interest in reuniting with her ex-boyfriend — the  studio will “have to spend a lot more money on jets and other expenses” to  accommodate their breakup.

“This is really last minute,” adds the insider, saying tour dates “start  about a month out” from the release of the flick.

In the meantime, Summit execs are keeping their fingers crossed. “Apparently, [Kristen and Rob] have been talking again,” says the source, so the  studio “is holding out hope that they’ll do the tour dates together.”

It’s a fat chance, though.

“They’re prepared for the fact that Rob might not want to, since he hasn’t  committed to anything yet,” the insider reiterates.

The Mystery of the Los Feliz House

30 Aug


A house that has never been owned can’t be sold…………
Or how spreading rumors and creating sources can make something that never was, appear real.
1. A gossip reporter in London claimed Rob has bought a house, again.
2. Dissenters claim this is just another rumor created by media to sell their magazines.
3. The same reporter claims they have proof Rob took title. He claimed a source saw the title on the deed. Again may I remind you this is a reporter in London.
4. A fangirl then claims she saw the deed. She knows it is Rob, because it says so.
5. Proof is given the title on the house is held by a Trust, maybe it is Nick, so a source claims.
6. Gossip mags begin reporting Sten and Rob bought the home together. They Are confused and change the story to Rob buying the house for Sten. It is a Love nest.
7. Sten is caught and admits to an affair. Sources?…… Family?…. Friends?…. Cheating?
8. So what do we do with the house that Rob does not own? He must sell the Love nest he never lived in and never owned.
What is real?
1. The Reporter never supplied any evidence and no sources.
2. Dissenters were correct. It was invented at a time when media attention was on $$$sten.
3. No proof was ever given. The facts are that the title has not changed on this house in over 7 years. The house has been up for sale on an Exclusive Listing with appointment only showings for 2 years. That means the home has not been bought or sold in 7 years, but the owners have had it on the market for 2 of them without selling. Hopefully having their home associated with $$$sten will help it sell, or not, considering the market is slow. It seems fangirls can’t afford multimillion dollar homes in the smog filled valley.
4. A Fangirl never saw the deed. She would have had to be a participant in the contract or part of a transaction that never occurred.
5. The actual title on the property is held in a Family Trust. It is not held by any of Rob’s team nor anyone in WME. It is a family trust that has always existed on the property for the last 7 years and has not changed.
6. A love nest sells a fauxmance better. In BD Bella and Edward have a Love Nest so this fits. Except that it never happened since Rob never lived there, nor did he own it.
7. Cheating?…. Maybe for a fauxcouple… Maybe for being a part of destroying a family because you engaged in helping a man cheat. You Fangirls really have yourselves in a pickle don’t you? Your creation turns into an epic fail for Sten and there is no way out of this fuckery. It is what it is. You should be proud because you are partially responsible.
8. Fact: You cannot sell a home you do not own, but there has to be a story for this. Who wants to admit this was all fake? You cannot cheat if you are not really a couple…. But then you would have to do a lot of explaining and so many people would be discredited.
Do you see where this all went wrong? Remember when your parents would always tell you the truth will one day come back and bite you in the ass? This is it.
If the truth had been told Sten would only look like a homewrecker but maybe she could show it was a long love affair and his marriage had ended. But you can’t because you are to vested in the story you all created. So in fact your fandom is partially responsible for bringing her down. That is very fitting.
As for the house, if the truth was told the Papz would not have wasted their time before they called it a dead lead. That was because they never seen Rob there but oddly even though they had left the location they were given a lead to come back because Sten was there and they took a pic of her from the street. Funny how Public Relations works. Once again it was a dead lead and they moved on back to the Stewart compound where she lives. You know only Fangirls hang out there now.
You should know the Papz do not believe this is Rob’s place. They do not believe he lives anywhere near this house. The only thing I ever heard was that they saw a few cars coming and going that appeared to be real estate agents. They always have nice cars and the buyers are always following or wait for them outside the property. Maybe that is why they left the location long ago.
This should be a lesson for all the fans. Keeping it real is always better for everyone concerned. Now because of the fauxmance and the Love nest that never existed we have a major PR extravaganza. The PR people are making a ton of money off this. They are doing damage control, creating diversions, releasing statements, planting stories, and trying to save careers. All because of a rumor. You Fangirls have made the PR people very happy, but don’t wait for them to thank you. They are too busy spending their money.
You know what is really funny in all this? The one thing that is real is Rupsten. Maybe in time their romance will be accepted by the fans. i think that might make Sten happy for once.

A big ‘Thank You’ for such an awesome article goes to