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The Mystery of the Los Feliz House

30 Aug


A house that has never been owned can’t be sold…………
Or how spreading rumors and creating sources can make something that never was, appear real.
1. A gossip reporter in London claimed Rob has bought a house, again.
2. Dissenters claim this is just another rumor created by media to sell their magazines.
3. The same reporter claims they have proof Rob took title. He claimed a source saw the title on the deed. Again may I remind you this is a reporter in London.
4. A fangirl then claims she saw the deed. She knows it is Rob, because it says so.
5. Proof is given the title on the house is held by a Trust, maybe it is Nick, so a source claims.
6. Gossip mags begin reporting Sten and Rob bought the home together. They Are confused and change the story to Rob buying the house for Sten. It is a Love nest.
7. Sten is caught and admits to an affair. Sources?…… Family?…. Friends?…. Cheating?
8. So what do we do with the house that Rob does not own? He must sell the Love nest he never lived in and never owned.
What is real?
1. The Reporter never supplied any evidence and no sources.
2. Dissenters were correct. It was invented at a time when media attention was on $$$sten.
3. No proof was ever given. The facts are that the title has not changed on this house in over 7 years. The house has been up for sale on an Exclusive Listing with appointment only showings for 2 years. That means the home has not been bought or sold in 7 years, but the owners have had it on the market for 2 of them without selling. Hopefully having their home associated with $$$sten will help it sell, or not, considering the market is slow. It seems fangirls can’t afford multimillion dollar homes in the smog filled valley.
4. A Fangirl never saw the deed. She would have had to be a participant in the contract or part of a transaction that never occurred.
5. The actual title on the property is held in a Family Trust. It is not held by any of Rob’s team nor anyone in WME. It is a family trust that has always existed on the property for the last 7 years and has not changed.
6. A love nest sells a fauxmance better. In BD Bella and Edward have a Love Nest so this fits. Except that it never happened since Rob never lived there, nor did he own it.
7. Cheating?…. Maybe for a fauxcouple… Maybe for being a part of destroying a family because you engaged in helping a man cheat. You Fangirls really have yourselves in a pickle don’t you? Your creation turns into an epic fail for Sten and there is no way out of this fuckery. It is what it is. You should be proud because you are partially responsible.
8. Fact: You cannot sell a home you do not own, but there has to be a story for this. Who wants to admit this was all fake? You cannot cheat if you are not really a couple…. But then you would have to do a lot of explaining and so many people would be discredited.
Do you see where this all went wrong? Remember when your parents would always tell you the truth will one day come back and bite you in the ass? This is it.
If the truth had been told Sten would only look like a homewrecker but maybe she could show it was a long love affair and his marriage had ended. But you can’t because you are to vested in the story you all created. So in fact your fandom is partially responsible for bringing her down. That is very fitting.
As for the house, if the truth was told the Papz would not have wasted their time before they called it a dead lead. That was because they never seen Rob there but oddly even though they had left the location they were given a lead to come back because Sten was there and they took a pic of her from the street. Funny how Public Relations works. Once again it was a dead lead and they moved on back to the Stewart compound where she lives. You know only Fangirls hang out there now.
You should know the Papz do not believe this is Rob’s place. They do not believe he lives anywhere near this house. The only thing I ever heard was that they saw a few cars coming and going that appeared to be real estate agents. They always have nice cars and the buyers are always following or wait for them outside the property. Maybe that is why they left the location long ago.
This should be a lesson for all the fans. Keeping it real is always better for everyone concerned. Now because of the fauxmance and the Love nest that never existed we have a major PR extravaganza. The PR people are making a ton of money off this. They are doing damage control, creating diversions, releasing statements, planting stories, and trying to save careers. All because of a rumor. You Fangirls have made the PR people very happy, but don’t wait for them to thank you. They are too busy spending their money.
You know what is really funny in all this? The one thing that is real is Rupsten. Maybe in time their romance will be accepted by the fans. i think that might make Sten happy for once.

A big ‘Thank You’ for such an awesome article goes to

Bob in Hostile Territory?

26 Jun

Rob in Jordan? When we arrived in the airport I saw a sign saying Robert Pattinson on it,
what are the odds of someone having the exact same name?

I imagine he’s holed up in a sunshine colored hotel room admiring its wall art while tweeting anonymously, but hey that’s just me. 😆

Oh and…
David Anthony Green‏@DGreen1988
Dear Mr Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg, various production companies & @HarbourLightsPH, Please give me my money back. #WorstFilmEver

Mission: Blacklist Movie Poster

9 May

I see the bushy caterpillar brows are still around.


Disclaimer – We don’t own the pictures.